About Latest News FORS Silver accreditation gained

FORS Silver accreditation gained

29th May 2024

We have upgraded our FORS Bronze to the FORS Silver accreditation, thanks to the efforts of our Transport Supervisor, Alan Freimut.

‘Gaining FORS Silver, will enable us to deliver directly on our vehicles to HS2 sites and larger construction sites where the requirement for FORS Silver is becoming ever more common’.

‘FORS Silver also promotes fuel efficient driving, creating fewer omissions and greater safety for road users, particularly cyclists, and for pedestrians.'

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a national accreditation scheme which measures fleet performance and aims to drive up standards across areas such as; fuel efficiency, carbon emissions and road safety.

Having FORS Silver means that we will rely less on sub-contract transport, therefore keeping close control of our delivery process, ensuring the high level of service we provide for our direct deliveries is extended to sites requiring FORS Silver accredited transport to deliver.

Find out more about our transport and delivery services here


FORS SIlver certificate