Products Tubular Poles

Altron's tubular poles provide a comprehensive and versatile range of mounting solutions, suitable for public area locations.

The range comprises fixed tubular poles, used typically for general CCTV applications; lamp standard poles that fit in with existing street furniture, but are heavy duty and designed specifically for CCTV camera mounting and dual lighting and CCTV applications; tilt down tubular poles suitable for public areas, providing the facility to service camera equipment at ground level and tapered tubular poles, that offer an aesthetic appearance to fit in with architectural themes.

Where these products have been used:


  • 1,300 Poles for 2012 Olympics - Tubular Poles on deployable concrete blocks and AW1859 for permanent installations
  • Many Oil & Gas companies across the Middle East have installed AW1859 Poles (incl Aramco)
  • Most CCTV Camera Poles in Central London are Altron, including AW1502 Lamp Standard Poles, often painted and with decorative features 
  • AW1859 used extensively across Network Rail sites  
  • Stainless Steel Poles around Wembley Stadium