Products Trolley Head Poles

We have developed a range of features for our Lowering Trolley Head poles, to make them easy, reliable and above all, safe to use.These features mean that a pole with the relevant options included, can be operated by one man standing on the ground, without the need for steps, or the need to support heavy camera loads, when lowering the camera into the upright maintenance position.These features make our Lowering Trolley Head poles the safest and easiest to operate, available on the market today.

Where these products have been used:


  • LTH Poles Central and Greater London for Transport for London TfL
  • Railway marshalling yards
  • LTH Poles for many town centres, including recent upgrades in Berkshire and Hampshire
  • High security prisons
  • Stainless Steel version, for Dublin Rail level crossings
  • Premier League club training grounds